I laugh, I cry, I change diapers

I am a stay at home mother and I love my job. I feel lucky to be able to stay home and raise my sons, nurture my family, yadda, yadda, yadda. OK some days I feel cursed, but most of the time there is nowhere I'd rather be. Except maybe at a spa.

Friday, March 19, 2010

snails and puppy dog tails

Nicholas is going to be a big brother, to a baby brother! We found out a couple weeks ago. For a brief moment, I was sad I would not be putting soft hair in braids, picking out a wedding dress, taking anyone to ballet class, playing tea party, you know the drill.

Now I think of how much fun it will be to watch two boys grow up together. Watching them enjoy trains, cars, trucks, anything with wheels, really. I'll just get my girl time fix with friends and more frequent mani/pedis.

As much of a 'girly girl' as I am, it might be for the best that I will not be molding a girl into a young lady. After all, I still can't help but laugh when Nicholas passes gas. Don't tell my mother about that.

1 comment:

  1. I'll trade ya! just kidding! I hope I can feel the same way if we have two girls, but the whole "princess" phase is getting annoying after Kai refuses to wear anything not "princessy" or have "princess hair" etc. etc.. lol
