I laugh, I cry, I change diapers

I am a stay at home mother and I love my job. I feel lucky to be able to stay home and raise my sons, nurture my family, yadda, yadda, yadda. OK some days I feel cursed, but most of the time there is nowhere I'd rather be. Except maybe at a spa.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oh so fun (from a distance)

Today I volunteered in my son's preschool. Extra help for Halloween-related crafts and festivities was needed. I was so excited about finally seeing him in action, and seeing what went on in those 4 walls between the hours of 9am-11:30am, two days a week.

When I began researching preschools last winter, I just knew a cooperative preschool was for us. I mean, after all, I was a teacher in one of my previous lives, I haven't used the MA of Ed I'm still paying off in ages, plus I liked the idea of being able to keep an eye on Nicholas while he was in class. I toured my chosen location, plunked down a deposit, and that was that. Then I began to share this decision with friends and family. I got a lot of funny looks.

I began to rethink my decision as my patience with my toddler/budding preschooler began to wane. I started to think time away would be beneficial for both of us (cringing!). I wondered if he would benefit from some structure and guidance from someone other than myself. He had become, for lack of a better term, immune to me when it came to following directions. My voice apparently had become like some of those sounds that dogs can hear but humans cannot? It was difficult to let go of the idea of the coop, but I started to think I would be kicking myself in the fall when my son was hanging on me in class one moment, and hurling blocks at another child the next.

What I saw today was exactly what I wanted for my son. He is well adjusted, is having a great time in school, and I've seen positive effects at home. The teachers are beyond patient. They really enjoy the children. They even take the time to wash the hands of the boy who uses his hands as a kleenex.

And, I get to go grocery shopping without using one of those frigging car carts: priceless.

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