I laugh, I cry, I change diapers

I am a stay at home mother and I love my job. I feel lucky to be able to stay home and raise my sons, nurture my family, yadda, yadda, yadda. OK some days I feel cursed, but most of the time there is nowhere I'd rather be. Except maybe at a spa.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alright, alright already!

So my friends and family have often said I should go into stand up comedy (um, no, I can't plan ahead very well, and frankly, I don't think I'm that funny), write a book (again, the planning, and then the carrying out of the plan), telling the tales of my life and my adventures in motherhood. Well, someone (again) mentioned I should create a 'mommy blog'. So, here I am. I am blogging. For the first time ever. Hold your applause.

I was originally as opposed to 'mommy blogs' as I was to the Snuggie. My husband came home not long ago with a Snuggie-for himself. It grew on me, as has the idea of a blog. I've read a few amusing and touching blogs over the past couple of years, so here I am. At the very least it will hopefully serve us better as a baby book than the notes I'm jotting on the calendar to record my son's milestones. Which reminds me, Nicholas stayed dry all by himself this morning. Still waiting for the poop that will inevitably occur while he is playing at the train table, aka, the poopitorium.

I would add more, but Nicholas keeps returning from the pantry with food items that require adult supervision.

P.S. I hear N at the train table now....


  1. Wonderful, Jenn! I love it! Good for you for putting your thoughts into action. I look forward to your updates.

  2. Yay - welcome to the blogosphere! Watch out - it can very quickly take over your life and become an addiction. But the internet needs more funny voices like yours - can't wait to read more!
